To ensure the proper operation of the refrigerator compressor, the appliance has a start-up relay. The part is not large, but it plays an important role in the working circuit of the refrigerator. Read below to learn about the types of relays, problems in their operation, how to repair or replace the relay, and how...
Read moreHow to check the starting relay of the refrigerator4 Important freezer breakdowns
What is the actual situation when the freezer works but does not freeze? Most often it happens in refrigerators with two cooling circuits, respectively with two motor compressors. Faulty freezer sensor If the freezer sensor does not work properly, the control module (in the case of electronic control) will not signal the compressor to...
Read more4 Important freezer breakdownsWhat is better – a washing machine with a dryer or a dryer?
Not all housewives have the opportunity after washing to hang laundry in the yard and dry it naturally. In the best-case scenario, a rope on the balcony or a dryer near the heating radiator is used. But it is not always possible to use even these methods if the room is constantly high humidity, and...
Read moreWhat is better – a washing machine with a dryer or a dryer?Main malfunctions of Samsung refrigerators
Samsung brand refrigerators are known for their build quality. But even the most reliable equipment has failures and breakdowns. In this article, we will consider the most common malfunctions and ways to solve them. Some breakdowns owners of equipment will be able to determine on their own. Remember, if you carry out timely repair of...
Read moreMain malfunctions of Samsung refrigeratorsReasons why the washing machine is electrocuted
If there is nothing wrong with the grounding in your home or flat, it is worth looking for other problems with the machine or wiring. Consider all possible types of fault and carry out an extensive visual diagnosis. First of all, check that the grounding tendrils of the socket are working and that the individual...
Read moreReasons why the washing machine is electrocutedHow to set the temperature of your refrigerator
The temperature of your refrigerator is adjusted via a control panel. The type of control panel largely determines how easily the temperature can be set and how accurately it can be set. The most important document and recommendation is the refrigerator’s manual. If you have no desire to search for it and understand the nuances,...
Read moreHow to set the temperature of your refrigeratorSignature Whirlpool dishwasher technology features
The “Sixth Sense” of the machines controls the consumption of all resources used for treatment. Automatically adapts the wash cycle to the individual application. Optimizes water, energy, and detergent consumption depending on the level of dirt. Regenerates water so that plates, cups, cutlery, pots, and pans are spotlessly clean and shiny. Power Clean guides...
Read moreSignature Whirlpool dishwasher technology featuresWhat kind of repair is needed if there is a crack in the refrigerator compartment?
If during the operation of the refrigerating unit, you have noticed that the ice is freezing on the walls of the chamber and the coating of thermal insulation is broken, then the reason is probably the crack on the wall of the refrigerator. To make your fridge serve for an as long time as...
Read moreWhat kind of repair is needed if there is a crack in the refrigerator compartment?Error ddC in a Samsung washing machine
Almost all models of modern washing machines are equipped with a powerful self-diagnostic system, which controls the correctness of the washing process at all stages. It does not allow you to start the washing when an important problem is detected or interrupts the cycle in a timely manner, protecting the machine from damage that may...
Read moreError ddC in a Samsung washing machineThe freezer does not freeze: causes and ways to fix the failure
The task of the freezer is to properly freeze food to keep it fresh for a long time. Unfortunately, refrigeration equipment, like any other household appliance, can fail after a few years of use or even earlier. It does not depend on the brand of the refrigerator, whether it is LG, Samsung, Whirlpool, Electrolux, Bosch,...
Read moreThe freezer does not freeze: causes and ways to fix the failure