No matter how great your dryer is, it can still break down. Today you’ll learn how to troubleshoot dryers from Bosch and Siemens. Models from these manufacturers can inform owners of the following problems: Code F06 (Heating problems) Troubleshooting -Check the heating system, and replace non-functional parts. Code F08 (One of the sensors is broken)...
Read moreHow to troubleshoot Bosch and Siemens dryersBosch dishwasher doesn’t dry dishes
If your Bosch dishwasher doesn’t dry or doesn’t dry well, and your dishes are still wet at the end of the wash cycle, it could be the result of several things. But first, we advise you to check the simplest thing – perhaps you selected a wash program without drying. If not, here are some...
Read moreBosch dishwasher doesn’t dry dishesThe washing machine does not turn on – what to do: 5 causes and troubleshooting
If the washing machine does not turn on, the first thing to do is inspect it. Often the problems are elementary. Pay attention to: – Whether the machine is plugged in Users note that they often mistake the result of such inattention for a severe breakdown. – Whether the power supply to the home has...
Read moreThe washing machine does not turn on – what to do: 5 causes and troubleshootingRepairing A Microwave That Won’t Start
Nowadays, many people have a microwave oven to quickly heat up food. Although this device cannot take the place of a traditional oven, its failure is quickly considered problematic. However, there is no need to panic. If you follow the safety measures, you will notice that microwave oven repair is not that difficult. The principle...
Read moreRepairing A Microwave That Won’t StartWasher Won’t Drain? How to Clean Out Your Drain Hose
Cleaning the washing machine drain hose is just as important as cleaning the washing machine drum or cleaning the washing machine filter. This is because a clogged hose can be the cause of no drain or slow water flow in your washing machine. How to clean the washing machine drain hose? First, stop the water...
Read moreWasher Won’t Drain? How to Clean Out Your Drain HoseMy Gas Stove Igniter Keeps Clicking
Have you ever noticed that your stove constantly clicking, even when no one is using it? This problem only applies to modern stoves with an electric ignition. It is located next to each cooking zone. When the user presses the gas knob, there is a characteristic crackling sound – the electric grid closes and creates...
Read moreMy Gas Stove Igniter Keeps ClickingWhy Is It Important To Clean Washing Machine?
Detergent and fabric softener residue, dirt, lint and hair from clothes. All of this slowly but surely clogs the washing machine with every wash, creating a damp environment in which bacteria and mold thrive. Often we don’t even realize that we need to clean our washing machine because it looks clean, the stainless steel drum...
Read moreWhy Is It Important To Clean Washing Machine?Possible Causes of Washing Machine Leaks
This may have happened to you before. You come home and find a flood – the washing machine has leaked! Not only do you have a lot of cleaning to do, some things are damaged as well. This situation may not happen at all if you follow these tips and prevent the most common faults...
Read morePossible Causes of Washing Machine LeaksHow Can I Clean The Inside Of My Refrigerator?
The cleanliness of the refrigerator is very important. After all, in it we will store food and ready meals. And yet, an unclean refrigerator can become a breeding ground for various bacteria. Therefore, let’s learn how to properly clean the fridge inside. Usually, a refrigerator inside is washed in no time at all. Before you...
Read moreHow Can I Clean The Inside Of My Refrigerator?Oven Heating Element Failure
Most modern models with mechanical controls do not allow for disassembly and cleaning. The initial repair consists of removing dirt from the outside, disconnecting the contact wires, and removing the terminal plates on the controller or timer. If this doesn’t work or doesn’t help completely, the part should be replaced. Some older models allow the...
Read moreOven Heating Element Failure