Washing machine repair San Diego

HomePosts tagged Tag: Washing machine repair San Diego (Page 4)
17NovPWS 8

Reasons why the washing machine does not heat water

Equipment of this type consists of many components, systems, and parts. That is why there are several explanations why the washing machine does not heat water: – damaged heating element; – the thermostat does not work; – failure in the functioning of the software device or electronic module; – breakdown of the water level sensor;...

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2NovPWS 3

Prevention of the washing machine

In order to carry out preventive work on the washing machine, you must first understand which parts are subject to such a procedure. To begin with, pay attention to the heating element (heating element) of the machine. The whole complexity of prevention is that to check it, you need to disassemble the entire structure of...

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26OctPWS 1 4

Repair of automatic washing machines

It is impossible to give recommendations that would be suitable for repairing all types of washing machines. After all, each model of washing machine has its own instructions for its repair, which are available only to the masters of the relevant service centers. So let’s look at the basic tips for repairing possible breakdowns in...

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22OctPWS 1 3

What to do when electronic modules of washing machines fail?

The electronic module of the washing machine is also called its “brains”. After all, this is the main element of the washing machine, which is necessary to control its most important elements: motor, timer, pump, and valve. Thanks to the electronic module, the water temperature, and drum speed are regulated, and the cycle time of...

Read moreWhat to do when electronic modules of washing machines fail?
13SepPWS 3

Error 03 on the LG washing machine. What does it mean and how can it be fixed?

The 03 error appears on the LG washing machine display when the machine is unable to drain within a certain period of time. This is usually 5 minutes, but in some models, it can go as long as 7-8 minutes. During this entire period of time, the washer-dryer constantly tries to drain the water. If...

Read moreError 03 on the LG washing machine. What does it mean and how can it be fixed?
16JulPWS 3


You have habitually loaded the laundry in Samsung, selected the program, pressed the power button, and after a while noticed that the washing machine does not take on water. The laundry is not washed. Perhaps the display shows error 4E or flashing indicator lights. When you can cope with the problem yourself Not always the...

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Our specialist will perform the necessary repairs right in your home. We are pleased to offer a 90-day labor warranty to all customers after we repair an appliance.
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