It is already impossible to imagine a modern apartment or house without a refrigerator. It helps to keep food fresh and tasty, and also modern models provide preservation of useful properties of food. If the refrigerator begins to behave strangely – for example, a lot of noise, it is difficult not to panic. But sometimes...
Read moreThe refrigerator is making a lot of noise. What is the reason?4 Causes of Loud Fridge Noise
Have you noticed that your refrigerator has become loud? It is important to know that this is not normal. Its noise should not change in normal working order from new to actual. Still, it makes quite a few noises when it’s running, each one characteristic of a different component. And in them, it is worth...
Read more4 Causes of Loud Fridge NoiseThe optimal temperature in the refrigerator
The refrigerator is the most popular device for any person. Such equipment is almost irreplaceable, so you need to constantly monitor its operation and carry out various preventive measures. Due to the low temperature in the chamber, your food will be kept fresh much longer. But this is provided that the correct temperature mode is...
Read moreThe optimal temperature in the refrigeratorHow Can I Clean The Inside Of My Refrigerator?
The cleanliness of the refrigerator is very important. After all, in it we will store food and ready meals. And yet, an unclean refrigerator can become a breeding ground for various bacteria. Therefore, let’s learn how to properly clean the fridge inside. Usually, a refrigerator inside is washed in no time at all. Before you...
Read moreHow Can I Clean The Inside Of My Refrigerator?A Leak Coming From the Bottom of the Fridge
Sometimes it happens that your refrigerator, which was working properly, suddenly starts leaking from the bottom. A puddle of water formed around the chamber, located under the refrigerator. The refrigerator is not necessarily broken, maybe there was no light in the house for a long time. Only a professional diagnostics will determine the cause. It...
Read moreA Leak Coming From the Bottom of the FridgeFridge Won’t Hold Temperature Settings
Sooner or later, everyone experiences this problem. Why doesn’t your refrigerator keep the temperature and what to do if it happens? There are no universal answers to these questions, because the causes of failure can be different. And to understand in a separately taken situation, to put an exact diagnosis and to fix it only...
Read moreFridge Won’t Hold Temperature Settings- 1
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