The first thing to do is to check if at least the indicator light or the oven light comes on when you turn it on. If nothing lights up and the power supply is okay, the oven switch is almost certainly defective. The contacts on it usually melt. If the switch is faulty, you may...
Read moreFixed! Why Your Oven Isn’t Heating ProperlyHow Do I Fix a Leaking Washing Machine?
When the washing machine is leaking, the problem should be solved immediately, not only because of the possible flooding of the bathroom, but also because of the high risk associated with connecting the appliance to the mains. First, determine where the water is coming from – from the back or front of the washing machine....
Read moreHow Do I Fix a Leaking Washing Machine?Your Washing Machine Won’t Finish Its Cycle – Here Is Why
Your washing machine is working normally for a while, pumping water and washing, but then it stops and does not complete the program. If this happens, you should first set the spin program so that you can get the laundry out. Then look for possible causes. The weight of the laundry is over the limit...
Read moreYour Washing Machine Won’t Finish Its Cycle – Here Is WhyDryer Won’t Start/Turn ON | Troubleshooting
To troubleshoot, first unplug the dryer and turn off the power switch. It is best to obtain a copy of the dryer service manual to assist you in further troubleshooting the dryer won’t start problem. You will need a multimeter to check the integrity of some parts. The following parts list is provided as a...
Read moreDryer Won’t Start/Turn ON | TroubleshootingCan You Tell Me How To Accidentally Break My Dishwasher?
Just as you should regularly take care of the maintenance of other equipment, such as a washing machine, you should not neglect your dishwasher. Some malfunctions, and there are many, are caused by the fact that the person who neglects to take care of this equipment is usually just indolent. So, be careful and try...
Read moreCan You Tell Me How To Accidentally Break My Dishwasher?5 Most Common Dishwasher Problems | Maintenance Tips
Even the most innovative and high-end appliances have a limited lifespan and sooner or later break down. A dishwasher that you initially invested a lot of resources in is likely to last longer, or at least hope so, but breakdowns can happen just as often as with cheaper models. If you want to know what...
Read more5 Most Common Dishwasher Problems | Maintenance TipsHow To Fix A Washer That Won’t Fill With Water
As usual, you put you laundry into the washing machine, pour the powder, select the program, start the washing and… nothing happens! You do not hear the usual bubbling of water, and the drum does not move. If your machine has a screen, you may see an error code on its display, which tells you...
Read moreHow To Fix A Washer That Won’t Fill With WaterWhy Are My Clothes Coming Out Of My Dryer Wrinkled?
Not all of us are lucky enough to have knowledge of how a dryer works. So let’s start our search from the beginning. Let’s start with problems that you can solve on your own without the help of a repairman. Are you drying and you notice that you’re pulling wrinkled laundry out of the dryer?...
Read moreWhy Are My Clothes Coming Out Of My Dryer Wrinkled?Washing machine repair San Diego
A broken washing machine is always a big issue for the whole family. A reliable and useful assistant suddenly becomes a problem and a source of leaks and pollution. The cause of a number of problems is banal inattention and improper operation. However, most washing machine malfunctions are easy to diagnose and fix if you...
Read moreWashing machine repair San DiegoCommon Refrigerators Problems and Solutions (Whirlpool, Samsung, Electrolux)
Manufacturers of current refrigerators estimate 8-10 years of their service life. Although many service professionals would disagree, any refrigerator can be repaired due to the wide variety of replacement parts available. In this article we will describe the most common malfunctions of refrigerators, their causes and prompt when it is necessary to entrust their repair...
Read moreCommon Refrigerators Problems and Solutions (Whirlpool, Samsung, Electrolux)